Producer recording feed bunk data overlooking a pen of cattle
Unless otherwise indicated, each title's link goes to a free download of that calculator.
205-Day Weight Calculator
Use this Excel-based tool to calculate the Adjusted 205-Day Weights on a contemporary group of calves.
Backgrounding Breakeven Calculator
The Backgrounding Breakeven Calculator contains Microsoft Excel spreadsheet budgets and a breakeven purchase-price estimator.
Batch Sheet
This Excel app provides a template for making customized batch sheets.
Beef Cow Systems Budget Model
This excel spreadsheet decision aid was developed as part of the cow systems project. The cow systems manual is another resource developed as part of the project. The spreadsheet helps an individual to compare cost and returns to different types and or sizes of operations. In addition to a worksheet with a basic budget, the spreadsheet allows the user to develop more specific feed and fixed cost estimates for a system. There are two separate worksheets in the spreadsheet to develop the feed and fixed cost estimates. There is also a worksheet included that will focus on the cost associated with financing a cow calf operation.
Cash Flow Planning Tool for Transitioning from Conventional to Alternative Production Systems
Niche markets provide opportunities for producers to add value to their cattle operations. While the alternative systems may offer profit potential, cash flow is often a constraint to making change, as costs often increase before premiums are received. This spreadsheet will help you evaluate the cash flow transition from conventional beef production to an alternative system, such as natural, organic, or grass-fed.
Cattle Feeding Budgets
This calculator includes Microsoft Excel spreadsheet budgets and a breakeven purchase-price estimator.
Corn Coproduct Value for Finishing Cattle
Use this Excel application to determine the feeding value of corn gluten feed and distillers grains.
Corn Silage to Beef Calculator
Use this Excel application for the evaluation of corn silage varieties in terms of beef productivity per acre. Both silage yield and forage digestibility factor in to this equation in determining value. Although backgrounding and breeding stock tend to utilize corn silage most effectively, this spreadsheet does account for depressed fiber digestion in high grain diets, making it usable to evaluate corn silage in finishing rations as well.
Feed Efficiency Calculator (National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle)
Residual Feed Intake has become a familiar topic of discussion in cattle breeding circles; however, the calculation is not convenient. The Feed Efficiency Calculator provides a tool to researchers and producers interested in calculating residual feed intake (RFI), residual gain (RG) and adjusted feed to gain values on tested animals.
Feed Energy Index
Calculates the value per unit of energy for available feedstuffs as a first step in feed selection or purchase decisions.
Feeder Cattle Bid Calculator (Updated 9-27-21)
The Feeder Cattle Bid Calculator uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate feeder cattle breakeven purchase prices across a user-defined range of corn grain prices and finished cattle sale prices. Learn how to use the calculator here.
Feedlot Cattle Phosphorous and Nitrogen Excretion Calculator
Use this Excel application to determine phosphorus and nitrogen excretion / fertilizer value in manure from feeding distillers grains from different ethanol plants.
Feedlot Facility Economic Assessment Calculator (Register for access)
Note: We are aware that the Chrome browser causes difficulties with downloading these planners. Please use a different browser to register and download your desired files. Contact us with questions.
This spreadsheet based tool is designed to help producers compare beef feedlot facilities from an economic standpoint. Enter your own general and facility costs and performance assumptions to see economic comparisons between facility types.
Feedyard Cash Flow Planning Tool
Use this Excel application to project start up and expanding feedlot cash flows.
Grid Marketing Calculator (full version)
Use this Excel application to determine any marketing advantage from selling cattle on a quality grid over selling “in the beef” or live.
Grid Marketing Calculator (simple version)
Holstein-Angus Feed Cattle Pricing
This application allows for determining a relative price of Holstein feeder cattle based on current cattle markets.
Limited Feed Intake Calculator
The Limited Feed Intake Calculator evaluates the impact that a slight restriction in feed intake has on the feedyard and the carcass performance of cattle.
Sire Selection Index Calculator (Register for access)
Note: We are aware that the Chrome browser causes difficulties with downloading these planners. Please use a different browser to register and download your desired files. Contact us with questions.
Use this Excel application to build your own selection index when choosing herd replacements or introducing new genetics. View an example of the sire selection emphasis index.
Swath Grazing Calculator (updated 9/25/23)
This tool provides guidance for measuring yields and calculating fence movement for winter swath grazing.
Yardage-Diesel Fuel Relationship (updated 3/9/22)
There is a strong relationship between changes in diesel fuel price and yardage costs. This application allows a base yardage fee to be adjusted with changes in diesel fuel price.