Conference Proceedings
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Cattle Grazing on Public and Private Non-pasture Grasslands (2011)
Part 1
- Grazing as Management Tool Summit at Whiterock (Tolif Hunt, Whiterock Conservancy)
- Grazing for Wildlife? (Matt Dollison, Iowa DNR)
- Grazing Management - Different Strategies (Jim Russell and Joe Sellers, ISU)
- Grazing on CRP Lands (Keri Jacobs, ISU)
- Importance of Cattle to Conservation and Community (Paul Lasley, ISU)
Part 2
- Cooperation to Enhance and Retain Grassland (Joe Sellers, ISU)
- Non-operator Landowners and Grassland Management: Issues and Opportunities (J. Gordon Arbuckle, ISU)
- Synthesizing Research on the Ecological Opportunities for Grazing in Iowa (Mae Rose Petrehn, ISU)
Cornbelt Cow-Calf Conferences
- Baleage - Making & Utilizing Higher Quality Hay (Dave Robison, Legacy Seeds, Inc.)
- Can Selection Indexes Improve Profitability? (Lee Leachman, Leachman Cattle of Colorado)
- Controlling Costs to Improve Profit Potential (Jim Werner, Werner Family Angus)
- Cow-Share Agreements: Starting or Expanding a Cow Herd (Patrick Wall, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
- Feeding and Economic Considerations for Baleage Use in Cow-calf Diets (Patrick Gunn, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
- Livestock Marketing/Price Risk Management (Ryan Drollette, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
- Replacement Heifer Development (Brian Huedepohl, Veterinary Medical Center, Williamsburg, IA)
- Replacement Heifer Development: Changing Minds for the Change in Times (Brian Huedepohl, Veterinary Medical Center, Williamsburg, IA)
- Risk Management for Cattlemen (Tony Latcham, Son Risk Management and Keokuk County cattle producer)
- Using Cover Crops to Boost Profitability in Your Operation (Dave Robison, Legacy Seeds)
- Confinement Feeding Beef Cows (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Cover Crops Cover a Lot of Possibilities (Steve Barnhart, Iowa State University; David Otte, Green Valley seeds; Harry Cope, Missouri producer)
- Drought Year Feed Options for Cow Herds (Dan Loy, Iowa State University)
- Energy Conservation Program (John Whitaker, Farm Service Agency - Iowa)
- Have Your Pastures Survived the Drought of 2012? (Kenneth Suter, Missouri producer)
- Importance of Rural Water to Southern Iowa’s Livestock Industry (slides) (John Glenn, Rathbun Regional Water Association)
- John Deere’s Outlook on Cattle Economics (Andy Hansen, John Deere Ottumwa Works
- Look into the Future of the Cattle Industry (Lee Schulz, Iowa State University; Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University)
- Looking Back at What’s Ahead (Steve Folgesong, Illinois producer)
- Water Quality for Livestock (Steve Ensley, Iowa State University)
- Applied Approaches to Cow Efficiency (Art Brownlee, JHL Ranch, Ashby, Nebraska)
- Maintaining Competitiveness with Today’s High Corn Prices (Darrell Peel, Oklahoma State University)
- Preparation Keys for Successful Bull Purchases by Commercial Cattlemen (Bob Weaber, Kansas State University)
- Selection for Efficiency (Nick Hammett, Circle A Angus Ranch, Iberia, Missouri)
- Strategies for Renewed Forage Production (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Successful Forage Seeding Methods (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Sustainable Production and Distribution of Bioenergy (Chad Hart and Bob Wells, Iowa State University)
- The Current Economic Climate of the Cattle Industry (Darrell Peel, Oklahoma State University)
- Tips for Strategic Culling, Cow Body Condition Scoring and Replacement Selection (Bob Weaber, Kansas State University)
- Using Genetics to Get More Efficient (Bob Weaber, Kansas State University)
- Anaplasmosis in Iowa (Grant Dewell, Iowa State University)
- Another Year of Record Fed Cattle Prices (Ron Plain, University of Missouri-Columbia)
- Diverse Cattle Operations - One Common Goal (Tim Kaldenberg, Bill Couser, Colin Woodall, and Sparky Wellman)
- Finding Links in the Value Chain (Jeff Ryan, Cresco, Iowa)
- Hay Storage Approaches (Miles Keaton, John Deere Ottumwa Works, Ottumwa, Iowa)
- Management Intensive Grazing And How We Look at Costs (Dave Lubben, Lubben White Oak Farms, Monticello, Iowa)
- Preventing Perinatal Beef Calf Mortality (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- Producer and Practitioner Assisted Research: Suckling Beef Calf Pneumonia (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- Dealing with Legal Liability Issues: A How-to-Guide for Protecting Yourself and Your Farm (Erin C. Herbold, Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation)
- Feeding Beef Cows in Winter (Robert Kallenbach, University of Missouri)
- Livestock and Laundry, Crops and Kids: A Woman’s Role in Agriculture (Jenni Peters, Peters Beef Genetics)
- Optimizing Forage Production During the Growing Season (Robert Kallenbach, University of Missouri)
- Presentation Dealing with Legal Liability Issues: A How-to-Guide for Protecting Yourself and Your Farm
(Erin C. Herbold, Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation)
- Reproductive Strategies that Work (Dr. Tom Geary, Pfizer Animal Health)
- Simple Practices for Better Hay (Jim Buchs, Hay & Forage Specialist, John Deere)
- Tips to Help Make Dog Training Easier (Gary Goehring, Keosauqua, IA)
- Animal Rights: Addressing Concerns (Elizabeth L. Walker, Missouri State University)
- Beef Outlook in Uncertain Times (Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University and John D. Lawrence, Iowa State University)
- Distillers Grains for Cows: Boon or Bust? (Daryl R. Strohbehn, Iowa Beef Center)
- Ethanol 101 (Chuck Crabtree, Indian Hills Community College)
- Finding, Adding, and Marketing the Value of Beef (Brantley Ivey, River Ridge Land and Cattle Company, LLC. Grayson County, Virginia)
- Forage Production Efficiency Factors (Don Ball, Auburn University)
- Improving the Aesthetic and Environmental Quality of Your Farmstead by Landscaping (Gary Twedt, Iowa State Horticultural Society)
- Past Cow-Calf Production Trends - Can They Tell Us Our Future? (Daryl Strohbehn, Iowa Beef Center)
- Remodeling Your Production System (Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University and John D. Lawrence, Iowa State University)
- Cowherd Feeding Options to Minimize Cost (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska)
- Dare to be Different (Henry Langstraat Jr., Otley, Iowa)
- Future of the Round Baler in Harvesting Crop Residue (Holly Padgett and Doug Heinje, John Deere Ottumwa Works, Ottumwa, Iowa)
- Going to Work for Agriculture (Megan Ritter, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers)
- Grazing Management of Beef Cows to Limit Non-profit Source Pollution of Streams in Midwestern Pastures (Jim Russell, Mat Haan, and Doug Bear, Iowa State University)
- Growing Your Livestock Farm Responsibly and Successfully (Megan Ritter, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers)
- Improving Pasture Productivity Through Forage Management (David Otte, Green Valley Seed, Kahoka, Missouri)
- Improving Your Cattle Risk Management Skills Using (James Mintert, Kansas State University & Brett Crosby, Custom Ag Solutions)
- Improving Your Cattle Risk Management Skills Using Presentation (James Mintert, Kansas State University & Brett Crosby, Custom Ag Solutions)
- Iowa Fence Law
(Roger A. McEowen, Iowa State University)
- Lease Termination and Other Legal Considerations for Lease Contracts
(Roger McEowen, Iowa State University)
- Opportunities and Challenges for Cow/Calf Producers
(Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska)
- Recent Developments in Beef Cattle Improvement (Dorian Garrick, Iowa State University)
- Top Ten Agricultural Law Developments for 2007 (Roger McEowen, Iowa State University)
Driftless Region Beef Conference (University of Illinois, Iowa State University, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin)
Feedlot Forum (2010)
Iowa Beef Center Feedlot Conference (2009)
Animal Care and Environment Materials
- Assessment of Animal Care and Welfare (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- Beef Cattle Feeding in a Bedded Hoop Barn: Three Year Summary (Mark Honeyman, et al., Iowa State University)
- Cattle Comfort - Reducing Heat and Cold Stress (Darrell Busby, Iowa State University Extension)
- Characteristics and Value of Manure from Bedded Confinement Buildings for Beef Production (Russ Euken, Iowa State University Extension)
- Euthanasia Guidelines for Cattle (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- External Forces Affecting your Business: Animal Care and the Environment (Maynard Hogberg, Iowa State University)
- Gaining Value from Beef Feedlot Manure (Russ Euken, Iowa State University Extension)
- Heat Stress In Feedlot Cattle: Producer Survey Results (Darrell Busby and Dan Loy, Iowa State University Extension)
- Managing Manure from Beef Feedlots for Crop Production (Russ Euken, Iowa State University Extension)
- On-Farm Animal Mortality Disposal (Kris Kohl, Shawn Shouse and Kapil Arora, Iowa Beef Center)
- Practical Euthanasia of Cattle (Animal Welfare Committee of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners)
- The Greenhouse Hamburger (Nathan Fiala)
- Understanding Common Terms Used in Discussions about Climate Change and Agriculture (Rich Pirog and Rebecca Rasmussen, Iowa State University)
- Understanding Your Carbon Footprint (Dr. Robert Anex, Iowa State University)
Business Management Materials
- Calculating Yardage - Are You Charging Enough? (Dan Loy and Denise Schwab, Iowa State University Extension)
- Evaluating Cattle Health and Performance (Grant Dewell, Iowa State University Extension)
- Feeder Cattle Marketing Assessment Tool (Iowa Beef Center)
- Feedlot Cost Management Assessment Worksheet (Iowa Beef Center)
- Feedlot EMS Assessment Worksheet (Iowa Beef Center)
- Feedlot Overhead and Operating Cost Estimation (Iowa Beef Center)
- Iowa’s Beef Business Climate (John Lawrence, Iowa State University Extension)
- Observations on Successful Feedlots (Gary Fike, Certified Angus Beef)
Employee Management Materials
- Beef Leadership Fellows Program brochure (Iowa State University)
- Finding Good Employees (Terry Chapman, Kirkwood Community College)
- Overcoming Tough Employee Management Issues (Don Tyler, Tyler & Associates)
Iowa Forage and Grassland Council
- Ration Analysis for Forage Based Beef Diets using BRANDS (Garland Dahlke, Iowa State University)
- Implications of Grazing Management on Soil Health and Environmental Quality (Jim Russell, Iowa State University)
- Land Use Decisions with Marginal Farm Ground (Joe Sellers, Iowa State University Extension, and Brian Peterson, producer)
- Management to Establish and Maintain Alfalfa (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska Extension)
- Management to Improve Pasture Plant Diversity and Production (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska Results of My SARE Producer Grazing Project (Jeff Liston, Turtle Rock Angus) Extension)
- Report on Brazilian Beef Production (Dave Miller, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Dan Loy and Erika Lundy, Iowa Beef Center)
- Stockpiling and Strategic Supplementation (Jamie Elizondo, producer)
Iowa Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Conference "Grazing Systems that Meet Your Needs, Improve Production and Enhance the Environment" (2010)
- Heifer and Young Female Development (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska Extension)
- Keys to Profitable Cow-calf Production Systems (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska Extension)
- Legal Issues for Direct Marketers (Erin Herbold, Iowa State University)
- Management of Diverse Pastures (Steve Barnhart, Iowa State University Extension)
- Pros and Cons of Various Grazing Systems (Mark Kennedy, NRCS)
- Raising Meat Goats on Pasture (Mark Kennedy, NRCS)
- 10 Tips for Extending the Grazing Season (Mark Kennedy, NRCS)
- Weed and Brush Management in Pastures (Byron Sleugh, Dow Agrisciences, LLC)
- What’s YOUR REAL Cost of Production? (Denise Schwab, Iowa State University Extension)
Iowa-Wisconsin Silage Conference (2018)
Stockmanship & Stewardship (2024)
- Program website
- IBC news release
- Program presentations
- Acclimating Cattle into Feedlot (Grant Dewell, Iowa State University Extension)
- Culvers (Alison Demmer, Culvers)
- Panel discussion
- The impacts of trace minerals in the feedlot (Dathan Smerchek, ISU)
- Winter manure management (Stanley [Jay] Solomon, Illinois Extension)