Growing Beef Newsletter

March 2025,  Volume 15, Issue 9

Umbilical infections
Grant Dewell, ISU extension beef veterinarian

Umbilical infections or navel ill is a common problem for neo-natal calves. Most calves will respond to therapy with the appropriate antibiotics when diagnosed and treated early. Severe cases or delayed treatment may lead to abscess formation that requires veterinary intervention to remove infected tissue.

Generally, calves born in clean dry environments have a low risk for navel infections as the environment is the primary source of bacterial contamination. A recent study of calves born in indoor environments found that the wetness of the bedding in the calving area was one of the main risk factors for navel ill. Another risk factor associated with navel ill was lack of navel disinfection. Although dipping the navel can help prevent navel ill it will not overcome severe environmental contamination. Other factors associated with increased risk of navel infection included higher birthweight calves and bull calves. Both heavier calves and bull calves take longer to stand after birth meaning the umbilical cord could potentially be get more contaminated. Calves that are not as vigorous at birth allow for increased exposure to pathogens, and bull calves are also at risk as their umbilicus does not dry as fast as that of heifers.

Umbilical issues may be more of a concern for Midwestern beef producers as wet muddy calving lots can be an issue in the spring compared to dryer environments. Additionally, the increased usage of indoor calving facilities can lead to the accumulation of bacterial pathogens if the bedding is not cleaned out and replaced regularly. Additionally, good hygiene is important for controlling other diseases such as mastitis and calf diarrhea.

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