Feedlot Forum 2025 features “Cattle Feeding in a Changing Environment”


Black steer standing behind wire fence.


ORANGE CITY, Iowa – High-priced feeder cattle, inflation, volatile markets, and weather have pressured the bottom line for cattle feeders. Beth Doran, beef specialist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, said these pressures and methods of coping are the focus of this year’s Feedlot Forum 2025.

"Feedlot producers agree that profitability has become harder to come by," she said. “The return from finishing a 1500-pound yearling steer the past 11 months has averaged $28 per head."

The popular forum is scheduled for Jan. 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Terrace View Event Center on the south side of Sioux Center. It includes the following topics and speakers.

  • Beef-on-Dairy Health and Carcass Quality – Garland Dahlke, Iowa Beef Center
  • Economics of Extending the Days on Feed – Grant Crawford, Merck Animal Health
  • Genetic Merit Pricing Task Force – Dustin Puhrmann, ICA Feedlot Council
  • Usability and Basics of Livestock Risk Protection and Livestock Gross Margin –  Zach Tindall, Producers Livestock
  • Ag Market Outlook for 2025 and Beyond – Chad Hart, Iowa State University      

An outstanding trade show will highlight 20-plus industry-leading businesses providing the latest technology in cattle nutrition, animal health, food safety, feedstuff harvest, housing, manure management, marketing, and cattle management.

Registration (which includes lunch) is $25 per adult or $10 per student and is due Jan. 6 to ISU Extension and Outreach Sioux County.  For more information or to register, visit the conference website or call Sioux County Extension at 712-737-4230.



The Iowa Beef Center at Iowa State University was established in 1996 with the goal of supporting the growth and vitality of the state’s beef cattle industry. It comprises faculty and staff from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine, and works to develop and deliver the latest research-based information regarding the beef cattle industry. For more information about IBC, visit www.iowabeefcenter.org.

Beth Doran, ISU Extension and Outreach beef specialist, 712-737-4230, doranb@iastate.edu

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