Pasture preparation webinar set for March 27
Cow-calf pairs grazing in pasture.
AMES, Iowa – Have drought conditions and overgrazing left your pastures in rough shape? Join Iowa State University extension specialists on March 27 at noon for a free webinar to talk about the topic. The program will focus on discussion of strategies to meet your herd’s nutritional needs and optimize pasture productivity going into the 2024 growing season.
After another year of dry growing conditions, many Iowa pastures are likely somewhat stressed and overgrazed. ISU extension beef specialist Chris Clark said that while it's true there's only so much producers can do, it is important to be thoughtful and proactive in terms of pasture management to get as much as you can out of your grazing acres. With this in mind, the Iowa Beef Center team has prepared some thoughts about strategies that might be helpful this summer.
"Thoughtful pasture management is really important for profitability and productivity. And it becomes even more critical during prolonged drought," he said. "We will discuss several strategies to help with preparation and renovation of pastures for this growing season.”
The webinar will feature three speakers from ISU Extension and Outreach. Clark will set the stage with a discussion on some basics about pasture conditions and nutritional needs of lactating cows. ISU extension crop specialist Clarabell Probasco will discuss interseeding, pasture renovation, weed control and soil fertility. Shelby Gruss, ISU extension forage specialist, will discuss using summer annuals as alternative/supplemental forage crops.
The webinar is scheduled for March 27 from noon to approximately 1 p.m. Please use this link to register: After registration is completed, an invitation to join the webinar will be sent.
All beef producers and landowners are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Clark at 712-250-0070.
The Iowa Beef Center at Iowa State University was established in 1996 with the goal of supporting the growth and vitality of the state’s beef cattle industry. It comprises faculty and staff from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine, and works to develop and deliver the latest research-based information regarding the beef cattle industry. For more information about IBC, visit
Chris Clark, Iowa State University Extension beef specialist, 712-250-0070,